Today’s Gulf sea turtle – Loggerhead

As The Baltimore Sun’s Candus Thomson notes, all five species of sea turtles found in the Gulf are listed under the Endangered Species Act (this was true even before the BP oil disaster). We’re looking at fast facts about these species – this week, it’s the Loggerhead: Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) named for their large heads … Continue reading Today’s Gulf sea turtle – Loggerhead

refuges in the first oil impact zone?

Much news, none of  it good, is streaming to us from the Gulf of Mexico, where an exploded oil rig has likely claimed 11 human lives and its uncapped well has gushed over 818 tons of crude oil into the sea so far and is spewing out more than 210,000 gallons a day. Today the … Continue reading refuges in the first oil impact zone?