Pic o’ the Week: Lions Mane Nudie

“Don’t get this guy confused with Lion’s Mane mushroom,
as these nudibranchs are probably far less tasty.”

“The lion’s mane nudibranch (Melibe leonina), has an anatomy that is unique from other nudibranchs. Instead of a rasping tongue, it has an expandable oral hood that resembles a lion’s mane, with fringing tentacles designed to trap their prey.

This tiny marine mollusk is found along the West Coast of North America on rocks and in eelgrass and kelp habitats. Unlike typical nudibranchs that use vibrant colors for defense, this species relies on on a semi-translucent appearance to blend in with their surroundings better.

If disturbed, this species may also be seen “swimming” in the water column using delicate movements to mimic the motion of floating debris while moving from location to location.” ~NOAA Sanctuaries

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