Notable Ocean Quotable: Our Fate and the Oceans

Each of us can make a difference for our planet's remarkable ocean, which supports all life on earth. America's national treasure, marine biologist and explorer extraordinaire, Sylvia Earle, has been a relentless voice of inspiration, encouraging us all to do what we can where we are to learn about the wonders of our marine planet and to support ocean exploration and conservation

Spotlight: Ocean Exploration Day

"A day to celebrate the wonder of & need for deep-sea research and exploration. To manage, sustainably use, and protect our ocean, we must understand it. Exploration is the first step to unlocking our ocean’s full potential. Onward and downward!" ~NOAA Ocean Exploration Rarely seen Halitrephes Jellyfish, filmed by E/V Nautilus' explorers 4,000 feet down … Continue reading Spotlight: Ocean Exploration Day

Our Remarkable Ocean Planet

On World Ocean Day we celebrate our truly remarkable ocean planet 🌊 "Consider the ocean as Earth’s life support system. It holds 97% of Earth’s water & is home for most of life on Earth. The living ocean generates most of the oxygen in the atmosphere, shapes climate, weather & planetary chemistry. In short, the … Continue reading Our Remarkable Ocean Planet

Spotlight: Exploring the Ocean – “there’s still 97 percent”

"Only the ocean remains as the last great unexplored portion of our globe; so it is to the sea that man must turn to meet the last great challenge of exploration this side of outer space.” --Deep Challenge (1966) by H. B. Stewart Marine biologist David Gallo brings the mind-bending world of ocean exploration alive … Continue reading Spotlight: Exploring the Ocean – “there’s still 97 percent”

BP has stopped using dispersants in the Gulf – for now

We've crunched the numbers from the Deepwater Horizon Unified Command press shop, compiling their daily stats for dispersants used in the Gulf of Mexico so far - and the official dispersant numbers for the past week are surprising: According to official releases, a "very small" amount of  dispersants have been used in the oil spill response … Continue reading BP has stopped using dispersants in the Gulf – for now