Pic o’ the Week: Eyes of a Giant Octopus

A stunning close-up of a North Pacific giant octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) in the Japan Sea. How did talented Russian photographer Alexander Semenov get so close? He says "It's not easy to get close, but this one was a very patient and calm one. And he was curious about me, so we contacted a little and … Continue reading Pic o’ the Week: Eyes of a Giant Octopus

Pic o’ the Week: Marine Inverterbate … Pancakes

How cool are these pancakes?! Of all the ocean art out there, and ocean-related food, these are among our faves - marine invertebrate pancakes, straight from Saipancakes. Their talented creator, math-teacher-turned-Saipan-Dad Nathan Shields, needs to package these - they're waaayyyy better than Eggos.