Pic o’ the Week: Sea Angels Among Us

Clione limacina, photo ©Alexander Semenov With their winged appearance and translucent bodies, it's easy to see why these pelagic gastropods, Clione limacina, are commonly called sea angels. They're actually related to sea slugs and sea snails, and they live in ocean surface waters down into deep waters. Despite their angelic good looks, they're fierce predators … Continue reading Pic o’ the Week: Sea Angels Among Us

Spotlight: Ocean Gelata Meets Curious, Talented Minds

There are not enough adjectives in any language to adequately respond the the breathtaking photos of Alexander Semenov. He is a living embodiment of talent + curiosity + intelligence + passion, all coming together for ocean exploration and inquiry. And he is passionate about sharing it with the world. Let's get this crowdfunding going! Support Alex … Continue reading Spotlight: Ocean Gelata Meets Curious, Talented Minds

Pic o’ the Week: Eyes of a Giant Octopus

A stunning close-up of a North Pacific giant octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) in the Japan Sea. How did talented Russian photographer Alexander Semenov get so close? He says "It's not easy to get close, but this one was a very patient and calm one. And he was curious about me, so we contacted a little and … Continue reading Pic o’ the Week: Eyes of a Giant Octopus

Pic o’ the Week: Red Bull in the White Sea

A Red Bull (Amphipoda Acanthonotozoma inflatum) in the White Sea. Says photog Alexander Semenov, "This amphipod crustacean is kinda unique, because of its very bright color, but it lives in the bushes of red algaes usually, so it's hidden from enemies and carnivores. Acanthonotozoma feeds on bryozoans, destroying their small houses and eating soft parts."